Patanjali Medicine For Cervical Spondylosis and Backache

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What is Cervical Spondylosis? Its Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Cervical Spondylosis falls under the category of arthritis. Under this condition, the cervical vertebrae of the patient are affected to a great extent. The patient suffers from the problem of pain at the back of the neck which spreads out towards the upper limbs. Apart from this, the patient also suffers from the problem of dizziness when he/she bends downwards.

Even lack of sensation in the upper limbs as well as loss of senses is also experienced by the patient. The cervical vertebrae undergo some destructive changes due to which the patient suffers from the problem of pain in the neck region and especially at the backside and in the upper limbs. Stress and wrong sitting or sleeping postures aggravate the condition.


The chief cause of cervical spondylosis is perhaps the wrong sitting and sleeping postures, unrestricted physical work, lack of rest and sleep and incorrect working conditions. Apart from this, some genetic .. factors are also responsible for occurrence of Cervical Spondylosis.


Cervical Spondylosis is mainly characterized by pain in neck region which spreads towards upper limbs including hands and shoulders. Other symptoms include stiffness in the neck region and lack of sensation in the upper limbs including hands and shoulders. The patients also suffer from headache and problem of dizziness while bending frontwards.

Even a cracking sound may be felt in the joints during movement. Apart from this, there are some other symptoms as well which indicate occurrence of cervical spondylosis such as dryness of skin, digestion problems, lack of sleep, flatulence and inability to tolerate dry and cold weather conditions.

Ayurvedic Outlook towards Cervical h3

The condition of cervical spondylosis is known as Grivasandhigatvata in ayurvedic language. It is mainly caused due to provocation of the Vata dosha. The chief reasons behind aggravation of Vata dosha is consumption of light, dry, cold or foods which lead to formation of gas. Apart from this, improper lifestyle and overindulgence in physical activities also lead pain and stiffness in the neck. It leads to damage to the tissues as well as joints of the neck.

Diet & Lifestyle suggestions

To deal with the problem of cervical spondylosis, you need to make some changes in your diet plan. These may include enhanced consumption of easily digestible foods, milk, almonds, sweet things, vegetable soups and purified butter. All these foods help in providing relief from the symptoms of cervical spondylosis.

Some foods need to be avoided completely. These are refined flour, rice and kidney beans plus other foods which lead to flatulence. People suffering from cervical spondylosis must have proper rest and sleep. Physical and mental exhaustion must be avoided.

Some Home Remedies that help

To get rid of symptoms of cervical spondylosis, the patients must have 2-3 cloves of raw garlic in the morning on an empty stomach. Water may be taken along with garlic cloves. You may use lukewarm sesame oil to massage your entire body. It helps in providing relief from pain and stiffness. Make a mixture of cumin seeds, dried ginger root and celery seeds by crushing them. Have it at bedtime to deal with the problem of flatulence.

Swami Ramdev has devised certain effective herbal formulation that might be effective in getting rid of cervical and lumbar spondylosis problem. This herbal formulation has been clinically tested and is 100 % safe to use.

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